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W:O:A Metalhead
24 Jan. 2017
I've been waiting for Wacken for 10 years so I'm just looking for some!

I'm coming from Scotland in a group of 10-12. We will need to buy tents, sleeping bags etc when we arrive in Germany so wondering where is the best place to go? In Hamburg maybe or at the festival itself?

Roughly how much would a taxi from Hamburg airport to itzehoe?

So we need to be back at Hamburg airport for a 12 noon flight on the Sunday. Will there be buses leaving Wacken in the early hours of Sunday morning?

Can not fucking wait to get back to WACKEN \ m /


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I've been waiting for Wacken for 10 years so I'm just looking for some!

I'm coming from Scotland in a group of 10-12. We will need to buy tents, sleeping bags etc when we arrive in Germany so wondering where is the best place to go? In Hamburg maybe or at the festival itself?
You could also opt for "Mein Zelt Steht Schon" (My Tent Is Already There). Here's a link to it.
Though it could be possible to find some gear in Hamburg or Wackekn itself. I'd google if I were you. (I do not know the region at all)
Roughly how much would a taxi from Hamburg airport to itzehoe?
Taxis are expensive! I'd recommend looking for other means of transportation.
There's a link in the International Talk, called THE (semi) DEFINITIVE GUIDE TO GETTING TO WACKEN
So we need to be back at Hamburg airport for a 12 noon flight on the Sunday. Will there be buses leaving Wacken in the early hours of Sunday morning?

Can not fucking wait to get back to WACKEN \ m /
There will be busses as from 4am in the (Sunday) morning!

There is also a link to answers to various questions here! Read them through, though some of them might be outdated!


14 Mai 2007
I've been waiting for Wacken for 10 years so I'm just looking for some!

I'm coming from Scotland in a group of 10-12. We will need to buy tents, sleeping bags etc when we arrive in Germany so wondering where is the best place to go? In Hamburg maybe or at the festival itself?

Roughly how much would a taxi from Hamburg airport to itzehoe?

So we need to be back at Hamburg airport for a 12 noon flight on the Sunday. Will there be buses leaving Wacken in the early hours of Sunday morning?

Can not fucking wait to get back to WACKEN \ m /

I think, you can ask @perfectmansions . He´s not from Scotland directly, but from Wales and maybe he can give you some more detailed answers. :)


W:O:A Metalhead
24 Jan. 2017
That's great thank you.

Last time I went it was only with 2 other people, it's a lot more complicated to organise a trip for 10!


14 März 2017
Transport to and from Wacken is easy. You can take the S1 Line direct from the airport to Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) or to Altona Station just a couple of stops further along which is where you get the train to Itzehoe. You should just buy the ticket there and it costs €14.30 each way on the SH fare from the airport which is what you should ask for.

When you leave, the Wacken-Itzehoe buses run through the night and just arrive and leave whenever they get there but it is pretty frequent and you don't have to wait too long, especially if you get away before the big crowd rush. Anything before 4am is pretty quick but it can get busy later in the morning.
Trains run regularly through the night but from past experience they have also put on extra trains to cope with people leaving Wacken. The train takes betwen 1h30min to 2h depending on connections but they are very regular.

To be totally honest, you might be better buying a couple of cheap festival tents at home and cheap sleeping bags and getting a couple of guys to book extra baggage for your flights, just for the security of knowing that you have them without having to wander around Hamburg looking for some.
There are a few sports stores in hamburg, Karstadt Sports is the big sports shop next to the central station. You might be able to find cheap-ish tents there or you can Google camping shops. If you do that, I'd suggest finding out where the nearest S/U bahn stations are and get around using a cheap city ticket which costs a couple of Euros for an hour or so.


W:O:A Metalhead
24 Jan. 2017
That's great advice man thanks a lot for posting.

Yeah I think we're going to just buy a big 10 man tent and just all chip in for the baggage costs on the plane. Not really up for the hassle of having to walk about looking for a camping shop over there.