Name change for tickets

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16 Okt. 2013
Apologies if this question has already been asked... I couldn't see an English version of it.

Does anyone know what the story is for getting names changes on the tickets? I bought two tickets this year, both in my name, as I wasn't sure which of two friends would need the ticket.

Now I know which friend is going, so I need to change the ticket to his name. But, I can't find any info on the WOA site about how to do this :confused::confused::confused:

Has anyone tried yet? What did you need to do?

I have sent an email to the WOA peeps, but I haven't had any response.

Thanks for any info you can give me! :)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Apologies if this question has already been asked... I couldn't see an English version of it.

Does anyone know what the story is for getting names changes on the tickets? I bought two tickets this year, both in my name, as I wasn't sure which of two friends would need the ticket.

Now I know which friend is going, so I need to change the ticket to his name. But, I can't find any info on the WOA site about how to do this :confused::confused::confused:

Has anyone tried yet? What did you need to do?

I have sent an email to the WOA peeps, but I haven't had any response.

Thanks for any info you can give me! :)

And while we're at it, take a look here as well, if you have any other questions about Wacken!


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
Before you ask: No, ICS will not do any name changes by now. They're still busy with some other stuff.

I think the whole thing will start somewhere at the end of the year, together with the ticket trading platform.


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Apr. 2005
zuhause in Niedersachsen
Before you ask: No, ICS will not do any name changes by now. They're still busy with some other stuff.

I think the whole thing will start somewhere at the end of the year, together with the ticket trading platform.

not true !

i got this email today: QUARK please translate it ! THX

Hallo Thomas
Für die Umpersonalisierung, die erst in zwei bis drei Wochen möglich ist, benötigen wir (1) die Kopie des Personalausweises vom Ticketbesteller, (2) die von Ticketinhaber, (3) Kopie des Personalausweises von Ticketkäufer + das Ticket selber natürlich und 15 als Gebühr.
Dies wird jedoch noch etwas dauern, da wir noch dabei sind, dass zusätzlich zu unterschreibende Formular fertig zu stellen. Das wirst du demnächst in Shop finden können. (Auch bitte zu uns schicken)

Hauptstrasse 47
24869 Dörpstedt

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Euer Metaltix Team



W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
not true !

i got this email today: QUARK please translate it ! THX

Hallo Thomas
Für die Umpersonalisierung, die erst in zwei bis drei Wochen möglich ist, benötigen wir (1) die Kopie des Personalausweises vom Ticketbesteller, (2) die von Ticketinhaber, (3) Kopie des Personalausweises von Ticketkäufer + das Ticket selber natürlich und 15 als Gebühr.
Dies wird jedoch noch etwas dauern, da wir noch dabei sind, dass zusätzlich zu unterschreibende Formular fertig zu stellen. Das wirst du demnächst in Shop finden können. (Auch bitte zu uns schicken)

Hauptstrasse 47
24869 Dörpstedt

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Euer Metaltix Team


Oh! So you got extra insider infos. Mhkay. :ugly:

Email-Text from Metaltix:

To change a name on a ticket, which will be possible in about two or three weeks, we need (1) a copy of the ID of the person, who ordered the tickets, (2) a copy of the ID of the ticket's owner (whose name is actually on the ticket), (3) a copy of the ID of the buyer, and of course the ticket itself, as well as a 15,-€ fee.
It will, however, take a while before you can request a name change, since we are currently still working on an additional form, which will have to be signed and submitted together with the IDs. You will find this form soon in our online shop.

Best Regards,

Faster! :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Oh! So you got extra insider infos. Mhkay. :ugly:

Email-Text from Metaltix:

To change a name on a ticket, which will be possible in about two or three weeks, we need (1) a copy of the ID of the person, who ordered the tickets, (2) a copy of the ID of the ticket's owner (whose name is actually on the ticket), (3) a copy of the ID of the buyer, and of course the ticket itself, as well as a 15,-€ fee.
It will, however, take a ilttle while, since we are currently still working on an additional form, which will have to be signed and submitted together with the IDs. You will find this form soon in our online shop.

Best Regards,
Hauptstraße 47
24869 Dorpstedt.

Faster! :p

Not that difficult if I'm not home and not alone either. I was called at the Charleroi Expo and it took us time to get there. (not to mention I've got my nephew here as well)

Danke Rudi. :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
16 Okt. 2013
Thanks for the info folks. The FAQs page didn't really explain *how* the process would work, only that name changes would be possible ;)

So looks like I just have to wait a little while longer!

Much appreciated. You guys rock! :)