We´re searching for working crew member !!!

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W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2002
Schleswig, Kiel & E´förde
Now we´re starting. Next week we´ll begin with building the set-up in Wacken and we´re searching for our action - "the Working crew member" - for the W:O:A 2003 for people who want to work as a crew member.

You are also paid like all others, have dinner with all in the Catering, sleep with the farting colleagues in a container and have nothing to say. Fucking cool, isn´t it?
And one thing more: You must write in addition a progress report, you will pursued permanently by a photographer. "If you don´t make a good job, you will be kicked!" In a few days all heros of the work can show what fucking cool metalheadz they are. Of course also women can be a part of the crew and have the chance of a hammock in the wardrobe area, a stable camp bed gets on as optional ;-)

Times: Beginning: 23/07/03 - End: 06/08/03

We´re waiting for your applications - please send it to: Headquarter@ics-woa.de

Not the qualification but your creativity is important for your application!

Maybe you find the job of your life - of course you get impressions for your life.

Deadline is on Sunday, July 20th at 12.00 o´clock. Decision will be make on Sunday evening!

See you in Wacken.

W:O:A Team


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
I've just read in this thread's twin german brother that you don't have to work on thursday, friday and saturday.

.....just in case someone wanted to know it...... :rolleyes:


21 Juli 2003
Website besuchen
Crew Member Application

When are you gonna answer us concerning the crew member application. We are from France and if you employ us we need to leave tomorrow so it would be great to know the answer as soon as possible.

Thanx a lot

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