Übergewichtige Männer haben weniger Lust auf Sex

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W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
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Hammered_gods schrieb:
I have never found an adventage of being a male. Nobody can kick you in the balls if you are a girl, aint that a good reason to be a girl?:D:D:D
Well, when being a girl, you need have luck to not become some stupid carot-eating girlie...

Yes, I talked to my ex-girlfriend today... :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
18 März 2002
Hammered_gods schrieb:
I have never found an adventage of being a male. Nobody can kick you in the balls if you are a girl, aint that a good reason to be a girl?:D:D:D

jeah, but nobody takes over control for a while too when your brain just neets a break!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Schweinchen schrieb:
Well, when being a girl, you need have luck to not become some stupid carot-eating girlie...

Yes, I talked to my ex-girlfriend today... :D

Dont talk about carrot or I will vomit on the keyboard....you know how difficult is to get food form a keyboard (reminds me that I have still somewhere my bedsheets I have vomited on few months ago :D:D:D)


W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
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Hammered_gods schrieb:
Dont talk about carrot or I will vomit on the keyboard....you know how difficult is to get food form a keyboard (reminds me that I have still somewhere my bedsheets I have vomited on few months ago :D:D:D)
I thought you'd like to do so? :p But I notice you're none of those girls... (Haven't thought so anyway) ;)

By the way, it's good to be drinking again after three weeks of learning. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
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Hammered_gods schrieb:
What do you mean exactly? :D
I thought you would love to vomit... A lot of people do, but I can't understand that. Everytime I do vomit the whole shit gets into my nose and hurts awfully...

And your not a girlie who can't eat a chicken because it reminds you of a baby... (really heared that yesterday... :rolleyes: )

Do you understand me now? :confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Schweinchen schrieb:
I thought you would love to vomit... A lot of people do, but I can't understand that. Everytime I do vomit the whole shit gets into my nose and hurts awfully...

And your not a girlie who can't eat a chicken because it reminds you of a baby... (really heared that yesterday... :rolleyes: )

Do you understand me now? :confused:

Great, I dont really love to vomit but its definitely better than the hold that shit in your stmach. And if you vomit the night you get drunk and go to the bed it is only better for you. Although, once I puked in the sleep and it didnt make me feel any better :D:D

No but last time I am talking to the food, like you had to have nice eyes when you was alive....Anyways I dont understand one thing, when I am eating, I can tell to anybody even the most "cheesy" story, like as my dog bit into the rat and pulled out the rats insides out, and they will get disgusted...well except my brother who is one of the most morbid humans on this earth :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
20 März 2004
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Hammered_gods schrieb:
Great, I dont really love to vomit but its definitely better than the hold that shit in your stmach. And if you vomit the night you get drunk and go to the bed it is only better for you. Although, once I puked in the sleep and it didnt make me feel any better :D:D

No but last time I am talking to the food, like you had to have nice eyes when you was alive....Anyways I dont understand one thing, when I am eating, I can tell to anybody even the most "cheesy" story, like as my dog bit into the rat and pulled out the rats insides out, and they will get disgusted...well except my brother who is one of the most morbid humans on this earth :D:D:D
In my family you can talk about almost everything during lunch... My aunt was medic for diseases of skin and sexual organs, her stories from work while christmas dinner are famous! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
5 Sep. 2002
Czech Republic
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Schweinchen schrieb:
In my family you can talk about almost everything during lunch... My aunt was medic for diseases of skin and sexual organs, her stories from work while christmas dinner are famous! :D

Well my aunt worked everywhere possible, patology, emergency...and she has never talked about anything during the dinner...:D:D:D Cause she knows my mom will start to puke...strange, mom works in laboratory with blood, shit and piss, and she couldnt even stay the look on a corpse, whose skin was so rotten that it stuck to a branch when they move it :D:D:D


W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Juli 2002
Bollzeck schrieb:
Übergewichtige Männer haben weniger Lust auf Sex-Abenteuer

Berlin - Männer verlieren mit zunehmendem Gewicht anscheinend die Lust auf sexuelle Abenteuer: Ein Seitensprung würde fast jeden vierten Mann mit normalem Gewicht, aber nur elf Prozent der Männer mit extremem Übergewicht reizen.

Das ergab eine repräsentative Forsa-Umfrage im Auftrag des Lifestyle-Internetportals www.epicure.tv und des F.A.Z.-Instituts. Ähnlich sieht es demnach beim Thema käuflicher Sex aus. Bordellbesuche reizen danach sieben Prozent der normal-, aber nur vier Prozent der übergewichtigen Männer. Für die Studie befragten die Meinungsforscher im vergangenen November und Dezember 1000 Männer im Alter zwischen 31 und 69 Jahren.


Hmmm, OK.
Also ein Seitensprung hab ich mir im Kopf schon mal ausgemalt - klar.
Wenn man eine schöne Frau sieht, kommen einem schon solche Gedanken.
Aber Real würde für mich sowas nicht in die Tüte kommen.

Aber seitdem ich dicker geworden bin, ist das rumgeficke schon weniger geworden.
Macht irgendwie nicht mehr so viel Spaß.
Außerdem betrachte ich mich nackt nicht gern im Spiegel.

Jungs, wie seht Ihr das ???


Ich halte das ganze für genau so zutreffend, wie dass Bier aus hellen Flaschen nicht dick macht :D :D