Having gained the extremely positive resonance concerning the middle ages-market in 2008, we’ll top...
very nice!! looking forward to this
quite true.Can you focus on announcing some more extreme metal bands and please the 'non-powermetal-fans' that are going to wacken? We dont care about some stupid role play! We care about the music!
I totally agree. The Wackinger thing can be fun to watch for a while but it cant be compared to see real death metal live. Immolation would be a nice booking but I doubt that they will be announcedquite true.
I mean this Wackinger thing is funny, and may help doing something else while BmtH are playing.
But havong real death metal warriors on stage would be much more interesting. (Immolation !!!)
I totally agree. The Wackinger thing can be fun to watch for a while but it cant be compared to see real death metal live. Immolation would be a nice booking but I doubt that they will be announced
too bad :/IAnd Kingdom Of Sorrow is out of the bill
too bad :/
I was quite curious about them... fuck, why is one of the few bands I was ok to see that gets out of bill ?
oh, and couldn't the orga say a word or two about this cancellation ?