Ok, this is officially the worst line-up ever

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W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
I'm sorry but that's a major fuck up. Wacken is supposedly the world biggest metal festival, meaning, major bands must be present! If I wanted to see a couple of major bands and some other ones I would go to underground fests and pay like 30 or 40€.

If there are no major bands there, how will they explain the ticket price increase? Infrastructure? That's laughable! Some of you talk about the Wacken spirit, the good times there, etc but let me remind you this is a metal fest, we're all there to see the best metal bands from all corners of the world!

The XX anniversary edition should be a giant metal celebration, with all the best bands from every metal genre. Bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax (yes, the big four!), Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Manowar, Carcass, Candlemass, ..., all the charismatic bands!

Instead of this celebration, they decided to keep us on hold, throwing us a bone instead, with bands like Testament, Amon Amarth, Korpiklaani, etc. They are good but they're not enough to say 'wow' because most of them can be found in other fests, cheaper ones. And then they put in there shitty bands like Bullet! And i'm guessing they ain't that cheap :mad:

About this anniversary thing, they were the ones that emphasized it, they hyped it like hell and we corresponded. The fest sold out in December. And more, last year they said they had it all arranged, every single band signed up and shit! Meanwhile, they keep us in the dark three months and we're seeing major bands slip through our fingers to other fests: cheaper fests, closer fests, whatever.

And last weak they even joked with us saying they were negotiation with Metallica, considering Manowar and Slipknot if they wanted to try new things. BULLSHIT!

It is time for them to stop jerking around and announce the full line-up, most of us have to decide now if we're still going to Wacken or if we're changing to other festivals, after all money doesn't grow on trees for me to pick it up so I want the best fest I can find. Wacken was the best. This year that is yet to be proved...

Totally agree with you, buddy. Maybe "Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax (yes, the big four!), Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Manowar, Carcass, Candlemass" thats a little to much, but some extract of it is extremely fucking necessary to prove that this anniversary is more than a joke. (That I sure as hell don't get, by the way.)


24 März 2009
Without having read the whole thread:
Till now I'm disapointed of the line-up. It's fucking 20th jubilee! I guess there's no more reason for the organisers to book great bands - because we idiots bought our tickets already last year (sold out in december - crazy!).
Nevertheless, there are some nice bands this year. But since my first visit in Wacken 2007 the line-up got worse every year. And now, looking at the line-up, I see as much bands I'm interested in as on Legacy Fest (Dessau), but for twice the price!
Another critic: Last year, tickets became more expensive, line-up worse and you stopped the "free entrace" for swimming.
Please think about it, book some more bands, and give me a reason to not sell my ticket. Thanks.


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Nov. 2008
I guess they have until tomorrow to prove they are not joking with us. Last week one of the organizers said the full line-up would be announced until the end of the month.

Well, I don't see 'em working weekends and announcing big things on a Monday, it doesn't quite cut it. That leaves tomorrow...


W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
I guess they have until tomorrow to prove they are not joking with us. Last week one of the organizers said the full line-up would be announced until the end of the month.

Well, I don't see 'em working weekends and announcing big things on a Monday, it doesn't quite cut it. That leaves tomorrow...

As far as I know (and I'm standing in contact with them) they just announced to announce. (sounds crap but...) And, well, they did, hm? I personnaly didn't give a shit about these news of Wacken Rocks, but they announced some bands. I'm currently waiting for a replie, if there is more to be announced this month, I'll tell you as soon as I can.

By the way: you can expect some of the Wacken-Rocks-bands to play in Wacken too ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
19 Nov. 2008
By the way: you can expect some of the Wacken-Rocks-bands to play in Wacken too ;)

And that's something to be worried about. There are some good bands in there but the vast majority aren't big bands. By the response in the Wacken Rocks thread you can see clearly that everyone agrees that only 5 or 6 bands are Wacken worthy!

Wacken's line-up already passed the tolerance level for filler bands, we don't want more! C'mon, lets be realistic! Even the underground metal fests here in Portugal can compete with Wacken Rocks! And saying some of the bands will be in Wacken...well, thats bad news for me.


W:O:A Metalmaster
1 Dez. 2008
And that's something to be worried about. There are some good bands in there but the vast majority aren't big bands. By the response in the Wacken Rocks thread you can see clearly that everyone agrees that only 5 or 6 bands are Wacken worthy!

Wacken's line-up already passed the tolerance level for filler bands, we don't want more! C'mon, lets be realistic! Even the underground metal fests here in Portugal can compete with Wacken Rocks! And saying some of the bands will be in Wacken...well, thats bad news for me.

Indeed, man...


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Feb. 2003
This is really getting ridiculous here. This whole month they confirmed what? Airbourne? That's it?!?! The festival is a mere 4 months away and we still barely have half of the line-up confirmed. Not only that but a lot of those bands on there SUCK!! There is no question about it when you look at past Wackens (2007, 2005, 2004 etc.) just look at those line-ups, simply amazing...now it's end of March and we have what? shit like Bfmv, Callejon, Kingdom of Sorrow, etc. Where is the extreme metal, black metal, traditional death metal, even thrash metal is barely represented this year. Those are the genres that truly represent what Wacken is all about. Well I've yet to see that this year!

This is definitely NOT the 20th Anniversary people were expecting to see when they bought their tickets at the way inflated prices way back last year.


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
Definetely not no! Wacken is supposed to represent Black metal, death metal thrash and I think the Symphonic and power metal too, OK we have Epica "GOOD WORK" :D

An hammerfall are the kings of power metal so thats good :)

Amon amarth, machine head, motorhead,tracedawn, gwar, lacuna coil, korpiklaani, in flames all rock but wheres bands like:

Wintersun/ensiferum/norther/eluveitie/ IMMORTAL 6'651 votes (as of the 26th of march!!!)
and blind guardian and Satyricon all these great bands are billed or tipped to be billing other metal fests?! Why not the 20th anniversary of the greatest metal fest? An have all released albums in the last year or are this year!

Incidentally I'd love it if Stratovarios get added to the line up though and JBO as they where both fantastic in 2007!

What about Rhapsody of Fire? or Marduk/mayhem/emperor/ something lol?

Airbourne I must admit i was really happy with as i think they rock but.... really this does need to be hurryign up now!?

Maybe we're just being kept in suppense and they have a big suprise for us all?! :rolleyes:

I suppose the only thing u can do is if your not happy email the customer services or the organisation and tell them outright! or start a petition lol :eek:


W:O:A Metalhead
6 Aug. 2008
You guys are so funny when I am reading of your comments. There is one thing I want quarrel about: all the bands which have been confirmed so far are not worth the ticket raise of 30€. That’s it!! Fact!
But I am sure as hell that most of all the bands which are going to play Wacken this year have already been booked by the organisation but they are still waiting to announce them on the page.
I guess the reason is simple: the organisators want to keep the prices for the tickets low which are sold at Ebay. For there are a lot of people who just purchsed the tickets in order to sell them again and make profit.
Besides, the Wacken rocks festivals which are to take place earlier than the most anticipated festival itself is now more important to them since the sales are not as overwhelming as expected by the Wacken organisators (I only assume that). Therefore they just have to push those three small festivals. But its not fully in advantage for the visitors when you take a look at the line up for the Wacken rocks Shows, only crappy shitty bands, not very contributing to buy a ticket.
Let´s see what the future will bring and what bands will be confirmed for the anniversary festival.
And hey, when the line up stays as fucked up as it now, I will sell ticket for low.


6 März 2009
Well, the orga really makes me laugh with Wacken Rocks ...
They can rock wherever the fuck they want ... It seems that the orga tends to forget what the essence of Wacken is about, a 3 day festival, the so called best metal festival on earth. Wacken becomes nothing else but a world company trying to get as much benefits as they can. Wacken rocks, the huge amount of merchandise ... who gives a fuck about having a toaster with the skull of wacken on it, so ridiculous, what we need is a good line up, that's all. If I want to spend a nice time on a camping ground, I'd rather go on the riviera, not in north of Germany...


W:O:A Metalhead
6 März 2009
never thought about the keeping the ebay prices down thing. I was in a position with friends cancelling an i'd booked flights and tickets on my credit card for them an they couldn't afford to pay me back (lost their jobs with business closing down, as I have myself now too - thankfully i already saved up all my spending money an booked hotels etc an flights before i lost my job lol so i'm stil goin!!!!) but basically i had to try an sell that pair of tickets at the most profit on face value i could to cover my losses on ticket prices and the flights that i couldn't get a full refund for, an i couldn't manage it the tickets weren't going for a loti got my money for tickets back but stil lost on the flights.i needed to sell them for about 380euro to cover costs, an i think i got 280-290euro for them. for the pair so i lost like 100euro stil, so they're doing a good job of keeping the costs down.

not seen any advertisements for wacken rocks either except the banners on this page.would have liked to have gone but doesn't seem a lot of point, besides think gonna hit that belgian fest "female metal voices2? i think its called.


27 März 2009
Bloodstock v Wacken

Chose 20th anniversary Wacken over the UK's Bloodstock fest.....what have i done!!!!
Check out Bloodstocks lineup...CARCASS...CANDLEMASS...ARCH ENEMY....KREATOR...KATATONIA....ENSLAVED....SATYRICON.....so far.
I'm half an hours drive from Bloodstock and 1 days drive from Wacken....and gotta cross the channel too!!!
The Wacken line up so far is weaker than nuns piss....love Amon Amarth,Napalm Death,In Flames & Turisas but they're always on tour...for me only Machine Head really deserve 20th anniversary billing....
I know you can't have 3 days of headliners but come on Wacken....AIRBORNE....WHAT THE FUCK!!!....an AC/DC tribute band on the bill....plus plenty of second rate bands that wouldn't fill a phone booth in England.
Has Wacken missed out on Metallica & Dream Theatre for instance.
Where's the black metal???
Message to Wacken organisers....all killer - no filler from now on or you'll damage the festivals reputation and have thousands of pissed off customers.


W:O:A Metalgod
7 Aug. 2006
Chose 20th anniversary Wacken over the UK's Bloodstock fest.....what have i done!!!!
Check out Bloodstocks lineup...CARCASS...CANDLEMASS...ARCH ENEMY....KREATOR...KATATONIA....ENSLAVED....SATYRICON.....so far.
I'm half an hours drive from Bloodstock and 1 days drive from Wacken....and gotta cross the channel too!!!
The Wacken line up so far is weaker than nuns piss....love Amon Amarth,Napalm Death,In Flames & Turisas but they're always on tour...for me only Machine Head really deserve 20th anniversary billing....
I know you can't have 3 days of headliners but come on Wacken....AIRBORNE....WHAT THE FUCK!!!....an AC/DC tribute band on the bill....plus plenty of second rate bands that wouldn't fill a phone booth in England.
Has Wacken missed out on Metallica & Dream Theatre for instance.
Where's the black metal???
Message to Wacken organisers....all killer - no filler from now on or you'll damage the festivals reputation and have thousands of pissed off customers.





W:O:A Metalhead
10 Feb. 2003
Chose 20th anniversary Wacken over the UK's Bloodstock fest.....what have i done!!!!
Check out Bloodstocks lineup...CARCASS...CANDLEMASS...ARCH ENEMY....KREATOR...KATATONIA....ENSLAVED....SATYRICON.....so far.
I'm half an hours drive from Bloodstock and 1 days drive from Wacken....and gotta cross the channel too!!!
The Wacken line up so far is weaker than nuns piss....love Amon Amarth,Napalm Death,In Flames & Turisas but they're always on tour...for me only Machine Head really deserve 20th anniversary billing....
I know you can't have 3 days of headliners but come on Wacken....AIRBORNE....WHAT THE FUCK!!!....an AC/DC tribute band on the bill....plus plenty of second rate bands that wouldn't fill a phone booth in England.
Has Wacken missed out on Metallica & Dream Theatre for instance.
Where's the black metal???
Message to Wacken organisers....all killer - no filler from now on or you'll damage the festivals reputation and have thousands of pissed off customers.

Bloodstock just confirmed Blind Guardian will be playing...I wish I can go to Bloodstock now instead of Wacken..