Traveling Expenses...

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7 Jan. 2008
Hi... I wanna go to Wacken this year, I'm from Venezuela (South America) and I'm going with my girlfriend... I've never been in Europe and I'd like to have some information about how much would I need to stay there the three days of the WOA and a couple of days after to travel (and maybe getting a train through several countries if possible)...

For example, how much a person tipically spend in food and drinks (during the festival and outside the festival, considering we're not carrying any food and we would have to buy the food there), hotel, typical costs of train tickets (if anyone knows, for example I'd like to visit Spain of France I don't even know if it's possible to do it by train from Germany)...

Thanks a lot for your help!!! Greetings from Venezuela!!!

P.S.: This is my first post... so, I say "Hello!" to the entire community!!! Wacken Rules!!! It's the kind of festival every metal fan would like to have in his country!!!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hi... I wanna go to Wacken this year, I'm from Venezuela (South America) and I'm going with my girlfriend... I've never been in Europe and I'd like to have some information about how much would I need to stay there the three days of the WOA and a couple of days after to travel (and maybe getting a train through several countries if possible)...

For example, how much a person tipically spend in food and drinks (during the festival and outside the festival, considering we're not carrying any food and we would have to buy the food there), hotel, typical costs of train tickets (if anyone knows, for example I'd like to visit Spain of France I don't even know if it's possible to do it by train from Germany)...

Thanks a lot for your help!!! Greetings from Venezuela!!!

P.S.: This is my first post... so, I say "Hello!" to the entire community!!! Wacken Rules!!! It's the kind of festival every metal fan would like to have in his country!!!
Try Eurorail for Europe (NOT for sale in Europe, only in the rest of the world) You can go wherever you want to go by train. It requires some changes, but trains run smoothly over here. (it is even possible to go from Germany to Spain)

About other expenses, depends on the person. Don't know how much you need. But youth hostels are mostly cheap. (Only in Bavaira you must be under 25!)

Try the Youth Hostal organisation in your country!

Sister Vulcana

W:O:A Metalhead
26 Nov. 2001
outside the festival in germany:

water 1.5 l about 50 ct - 1 euro (you can refill it on the festivalground... hm even for free i think)

beer 0.5 l 50 ct - 1 euro (depends on brand - and taste ;))

food depends on what you want. cheapest is bread and roll.
you can buy several stuff for it, but think of small packages because of the heat. supermarkets usually have it's own bakery and fast food with hot and cold stuff and drinks. the prices depend on the type and size of supermarket (for instance: the supermarket, where i work at the bakery hot fast food blabla takes 1.30 euros for a big sausage with roll and mustard and 0.75 for a medium sized coffee - this may satisfy you for 2-3 hours).

eating in a restaurant is of course more expensive, but the restaurant in wacken has special wacken food between 3 and 8 euros for huge portions - this is very good. they have stuff like ham and eggs and the menue is in english.

so depending on how much you eat (if its warm you usually eat less... on the other hand you should be used to have it warm ;)) and you don't buy beer on the festivalground you could reach with 10 euros each for a day. if you try. you can easily come up to 20 each...

but you will do fine. and if you got questions, just ask there, people will answer your questions.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
outside the festival in germany:

water 1.5 l about 50 ct - 1 euro (you can refill it on the festivalground... hm even for free i think)

beer 0.5 l 50 ct - 1 euro (depends on brand - and taste ;))

food depends on what you want. cheapest is bread and roll.
you can buy several stuff for it, but think of small packages because of the heat. supermarkets usually have it's own bakery and fast food with hot and cold stuff and drinks. the prices depend on the type and size of supermarket (for instance: the supermarket, where i work at the bakery hot fast food blabla takes 1.30 euros for a big sausage with roll and mustard and 0.75 for a medium sized coffee - this may satisfy you for 2-3 hours).

eating in a restaurant is of course more expensive, but the restaurant in wacken has special wacken food between 3 and 8 euros for huge portions - this is very good. they have stuff like ham and eggs and the menue is in english.

so depending on how much you eat (if its warm you usually eat less... on the other hand you should be used to have it warm ;)) and you don't buy beer on the festivalground you could reach with 10 euros each for a day. if you try. you can easily come up to 20 each...

but you will do fine. and if you got questions, just ask there, people will answer your questions.

T-Shirt is €16 I guess. (an obligated buy to my opinion)


7 Jan. 2008
Thanks for the information...

Thanks a lot for the info guys!... Of course I'll buy a t-shirt!!! (and a couple of souvenirs)... It would be unforgivable not to buy one...

Any other interesting information, please share it with me...

See ya!!!