Title change for the 50k Thread?

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Should we change the title of the 50k Thread?

  • Yes

    Stimmen: 7 41,2%
  • No

    Stimmen: 2 11,8%
  • I don't know / I have no opinion

    Stimmen: 8 47,1%

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
  • Umfrage geschlossen .
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W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Except data use I suppose.

I have Facebook and Skype to handle that. My phone lacks intern memory for one strange reason or anohter.

Except, you don't have to add people as "friend" on whatsapp. It's pretty neat I think.

if it's through your wifi and not on a mobile network I assume

You can use it while on a mobile network. Though I'm not sure if you can send pictures etc then. I think they just won't go trough because I've never heard of somebody having to pay for using whatsapp.

You can use all functionalities on all types of internet connections (Mobile network (2g, 3g, 4g etc), Wi-Fi, USB passthrough. You don't have to pay for using whatsapp, but you do have to pay for the data you consume. Same as any other free app (facebook app for example). I think it's just better to direct you guys to their website :p

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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Except, you don't have to add people as "friend" on whatsapp. It's pretty neat I think.

You can use all functionalities on all types of internet connections (Mobile network (2g, 3g, 4g etc), Wi-Fi, USB passthrough. You don't have to pay for using whatsapp, but you do have to pay for the data you consume. Same as any other free app (facebook app for example). I think it's just better to direct you guys to their website :p


It's like I said, you pay for data use (consumption), unless you're in a (open) WiFi zone.
I'll stick to FB chat and Skype then.
Besides, I can't use it abroard. No roaming allowed on my I'net connection. (I even switch numbers, to avoid high phone bills!)


W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
It's like I said, you pay for data use (consumption), unless you're in a (open) WiFi zone.
I'll stick to FB chat and Skype then.
Besides, I can't use it abroard. No roaming allowed on my I'net connection. (I even switch numbers, to avoid high phone bills!)

How can you use FB and Skype without using data? o_O
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