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Toffi Fee

W:O:A Metalgod
3 Dez. 2002
MS Holy Slaughterhouse
Ich möchte bitte weinen...


Hat der Herr jetzt doch Humor oder meint der das alles ernst?!?

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release February 5, 2001

9:45 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon.

In the year one of the beginning of the millennium,
it is my great honor to introduce the public to a
White House completely reenvisionated and re-captured
for compassionate conservatives. As their leader,
I welcome you to a house that is filled to the
rafters with history and noble Americanism - from
the uncomfortable antiques which line each and every
room - to the complementary presidential
seal-embossed skeet targets I obliterate in the back
yard while Laura is pretending to read.

Yes, The White House is a fine piece of American
workmanship - which is why it is important that its
visitors demonstrate serious respectitude when
entering this place of overwhelming goodness. To
those persons who might maintain that the White House
is bad, I can only conclude that you have been warped
by the deranged ramblings of Al Gore and his Jew
friends at the Clinton News Network. Unless, of course,
you are using "bad" as a hip slang synonym for "good,"
in which case you're wholly accurate.

And so, with all this in mind, Mrs. George W. Bush
("Laura") and I are proud to announce a White House
dress code that will restore an appropriate atmosphere
of formality and asexual deference to the memories
and Presidential poltergeists that still wander these
hallowed halls. Adherence to this dress code will
enable all persons to enjoyify their visits to
The White House - from the revered rulers of foreign
and Godless nations, to the fun-loving and gender
ambiguous Karen Hughes, to even the most common
tourist rabble. All persons are welcome in my home -
provided they have the means to buy a ticket.

There are four simple rules associated with my new
White House Dress Code. They are as follows:

   1. Suits: Suits are required attire for all
persons possessing a penis. The following color
and fabric combinations have been deemed acceptable:
dark blue and wool, navy blue and wool, dark gray
and wool, charcoal gray and wool, and dark brown
and wool (fall only). Persons attired in suits
made of silk, crushed velvet, velour, terrycloth
or low-quality merino blends will be denied entry
to The White House (unless bearing contributions).
   2. Dresses: Everyone may wear dresses so long
as they are women. Short dresses or mini-skirts
are acceptable, providing the wearer is under 28
years of age and possesses legs objectively
classifiable as "sweet." Women who are heavy-set,
elderly, or otherwise aesthetically impaired are
required to wear floor-length floral print gowns
or housecoats.
   3. T-Shirts: T-shirts are permitted, providing
any message emblazoned on them is appropriate for
the White House. Acceptable messages include alcohol,
tobacco or firearm-related expressions such as "Eat
the Worm," "Chuck Heston is MY President," "Absolut
Spring Break," "Marlboro Race Team" or "Highway 420."
Unacceptable messages are typically leftist and pinko
slogans such as "Save the Whales," "Solar Power Now,"
"Free Mumia," or "My Parents Went to Texas, And All
I Got Was This Lousy Lethal Injection."
   4. Short Pants: Short pants are appropriate
only under the following circumstances: Fahrenheit
temperature exceeds 95 degrees, humidity index
exceeds 115 degrees, Jenna and her sorority sisters
throw a kegger on the back lawn, you have paid double
the stated admission fee, or you have pledged in
excess of $8000 to the RNC in the current calendar
year. Once again, as is the case with women's
miniskirts, only attractive and non-cellulite-riddled
shorts-wearers will be granted admission, regardless
of any other conditions in this category that may

Later today, I will be departing on Marine One for
the first of my many vacations. When I return in
several days, this dress code policy will be in
full effect, and the grand old mansion we stand
in now, having been sickened to tears by the
flower-power informality and rampant cross-dressing
of its previous deviant occupants, will release
an audible sigh of relief.

Thank you.

END 9:57 A.M. EST


...ja, ich hätt's auch einfach linken können ... :rolleyes:


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Also mal Butter bei die Fische...ich brauch nich gucken ich

Aber dir zu liebe...

A Coalition of Deviants:
WHITEHOUSE.ORG is a political parody produced in part through the volunteer efforts of individuals from these fine institutions

Toffi Fee

W:O:A Metalgod
3 Dez. 2002
MS Holy Slaughterhouse
Ähm, ja, *lach* vielleicht sollte ich das auch mal aufklären - wenn Suwi auf den link geklickt hätte, wäre das auch aufgegangen ;) Weil ich da nämlich auf die Verantwortlichenseite hingelinkt habe. Womit ich zeigen wollte, dass ich sehr wohl weiss, wer dahinter steht! ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
26 Nov. 2001
(ehem.Ruhrpott) Düsseldorf
Original geschrieben von Schlossvippach
...hmm, ähhh, also, verarscht ihr euch gerade gegenseitig oder raff ich das einfach nicht??? toffi weiss das doch sicherlich auch, dass das ne verarsche ist, oder???

ich glaub, ich gehe jetzt nach hause und lerne meine tapete auswendig..
Ja wir haben uns beide ein bischen aufgezogen...

ä das eine Rauhfaser Tapete ..dann kannste auch im Dunkel Stevie Wonder Style die auswendig lernen...wenn es spannender als der letze Roman von *PLATZHALTERFÜRSCROTTAUTOR* ist sag mir bescheid...