S.O.S Metalheads!!...Looking for people in Metal

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I've already know that though i never was there hehe!!
W.O.A. will be an experience really difficult to forget!
I'm from Asturias,my friends are fucking lazy for Metal so i use to go to festivals alone but that will be the 1st I'll go abroad alone hehe!
the security sucks? i never hear about that before...in Spain security sucks too


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
I travelled on my own to WOA 2002, and it was cool. People are really friendly over here :)

If you wish, I can send you my phone number (german mobile phone, sorry....), just in case you're bored in Wacken, although I doubt it. :)
Originally posted by LoremetaL
Hail brothers and sisters of Metal!, i need your help...
I'm Lorena from Northwest Spain and i gonna spend a month in Germany studying at the Hamburg Language Center, sharing an apartment with another german students...but I’m quite worried coz i don’t know people related with Metal there and I can't really express myself in German...so I truly wanna know Metalheads from there...to go out, drink some beers, listen good music at headbangers ballroom and go to W.O.A!!
Please contact me at: Black_diamond13@hotmail.com
http://members.msn.com/default....I$ (that's my profile msn if u wanna know more about me)
I’ll arrive there on July 10th so I hope to know many of us before by msn or e-mail!

Aloah from Hamburg, seems like I´m the first one from here who found you....welcome :D