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W:O:A Metalmaster
11 Juli 2008
What's the first time you remember, you were totally wasted?

I was 15, it was during a birthday party. We drank nearly everything. :D

"Kümmerling" finally killed me, that was sick.:eek:
I hate to remember that night.^^


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I'm always in control of my drinking...

well, the first time fairly wasted I was 14 going on 15, drunk as hell on a few beers, couldn't take much back then.
The following summer was the first time I fucked up on booze, guess I knew even then that beers should be the only damn thing I touch.

About 20 years later I still try to booze up every now and then, realizing what I did the first time, just stop that shit :p


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
That was when I was 16 and we were camping at the Eider. It was the first time I had been drinking alcohol at all. We drank pure rum and I only remember waking up lying at the baulk, after I had puked into the water. While I was just lying there unable to move, a friend of mine, that had to stay sober because of driving, sat down next to me, played a cassette of TKKG (what I really hate) to torture me and said "I grant you that hangover that you're going to have" :D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Question: What was your first sex like?

I don't remember the sex itself actually, but I do remember that me and my boyfriend hadn't actually been thinking of sex yet. Then were kinda forced to start thinking of it, because our parents started to panic and forced me to take the pill. When I was taking the pill then we just rolled dice if we'd do it or not (roleplaygamers by heart :p )


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
for me it was at a new years party, we were busy for hours and hours.
the girl and me liked eachother for quiet a while already, but she lived a few hours away, so before nothing happend.

but at this party we had lots of time, and we took our chances.

after this party we ended up having a relation of half a year.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
for me it was at a new years party, we were busy for hours and hours.
the girl and me liked eachother for quiet a while already, but she lived a few hours away, so before nothing happend.

but at this party we had lots of time, and we took our chances.

after this party we ended up having a relation of half a year.

ah right... after my first time I ended up having an affair with a guy that actually liked having sex with me :rolleyes::p