My porn name

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W:O:A Metalmaster
15 Aug. 2002
Website besuchen
Originally posted by Brat
ok you're going to have to explain who that is to me :D

It's propabably the new DJane-name of my flatmate. When mugabe visited me, he confused her name (Zita, she's of hungarian origin) with Mitzi, which she really liked. She's been searching for a good stage name for quite a while, and then asked me if I could ask mugabe for a good family name for Mitzi. His two propositions were Mitzi Mugabe and Mitzi von Oben, both of which she really likes.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Feb. 2002
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by monochrom
It's propabably the new DJane-name of my flatmate. When mugabe visited me, he confused her name (Zita, she's of hungarian origin) with Mitzi, which she really liked. She's been searching for a good stage name for quite a while, and then asked me if I could ask mugabe for a good family name for Mitzi. His two propositions were Mitzi Mugabe and Mitzi von Oben, both of which she really likes.
AH! ok
I thought it was someone I should know ;)