Is there a chance of Pain of Salvation

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Kevin Lomax

31 März 2002
Am I the only person who thinks this year's Wacken needs more progressive metal bands. Vanden Plas or Savatage are not enough. I think there are a lot of people who wants to see Pain of Salvation after their succesful LP Remedy Lane. I dont know a single person who loves Dream Theater and not loving POS. So they have a huge fan base, I think.
POS would play at Dynamo this year but Dynamo is canceled so POS are not booked for any festival this year. I am still thinking about coming or not coming to Wacken this year from Turkey. If you add POS I will definitely come. (eheuhehe:) )
Also if you havent heard of Pain of Salvation you must try them. It doesnt matter if you are not a fan of prog metal or not. They can blow anybody!
Also there are a lot of prog bands that can be added to the festival. Like Ark, Jelly Jam, Jorn, Wolverine, Beyond Twilight... list can be more. I dont know if it is too late or not.
If you answer me about the Pain of Salvation issue I will be very happy. If you add them to the list I will thank you personally!:)

Thanks for spreading the metal disease!