Great Metal Festival in Spain!!

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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Feb. 2003
if you book now
the flight from london to hamburg and return cost £30 (€50)


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
Originally posted by berserkur
those monopolizing cunts!!

one time they offered a special price in England to Iceland, but when they found out that those who bought the tickets were icelanders living in the UK they raised the price!!

well now there is another airline that flies cheap to Copenhagen and London

there's also some rental flight to Germany...

but they still monopolize the market for America

ah, it figures. :mad:

a few years ago, everyone was making a big deal about IcelandAir, because they were offering cheap flights to Europe if you stayed over in Iceland. Now Reykjavik is being trumped up in radio ads as being this huge party capital. And hence the jacked up prices...