Gay metalheads @ Wacken?

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19 Juli 2009
Yup...time to burst the bubble guys: for the past 7 years I have been among you at Wacken, drinking your beer, rolling in your mud, moshing in your pits, banging my head next to yours and putting my horns up in the air with all the rest of you....and I'm gay. :eek:

Who knows, I might have even seen you in the showers! :D

Now I know, it's disgusting, sick, totally untrue and I will never become kvlt and grim because of this. :( Learning to live with that though.. :)

However, aside from being this obvious disgrace to the community as a whole I am also just a regular longhaired, bearded, blackclothed, armyboots wearing, beerdrinking, meatdevouring, for-Satan-screaming metalhead. You would not guess I was gay if I was standing next to you, trust me. ;)

I have been listening to metal for over 15 years, love to go to gigs and festivals, own hundreds of records and dozens of shirts and other merch. I have a circle of great friends that share my love for metal and in general I am really happy with everything. Same story as you reading this post, I assume.

But...I have truly never ever met another metalhead that's gay as well and I would love for that to change. I am not looking for dates or sex (necessarily ;) ) just for likeminded people. Sure, I know some non-metal gay people but it's just not the same. They don't share my love for black, death or doom metal and don't understand why I refuse to wear pink or go to gay bars because the music sucks. Besides, I'm not exactly out of the closet yet (aside from a few relatives and my closest friends).

It makes me feel lonely sometimes. :(

Soooo...on the off chance that someone who is reading this is in the 'same boat' as me and would like to chat, feel free to reply or send me a private message. :) I don't have particularly high hopes for this but you never know...biggest metal festival of the world, I can't be the only one, right? RIGHT?

Finally, I don't intend for this to be a 'gay-only' thread at all. If you're not gay but still have something to say, feel free! I also don't mind jokes about my sexuality, don't worry. My intentions are absolutely serious though.


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
Metal is a macho kinda scene, and I think a lot of metalheads are acting like kids when it comes to homosexuality.
But in fact I can not think of a single other subculture with that many guys wearing leather pants :D


lol @ Steve Hughes, Australian metalhead and stand up comedian, with a great sketch about "poofters"

from about 4 minutes
(it is not homophobic btw)


W:O:A Metalmaster
27 Dez. 2001
@ Willow: great posting. I know at least two gays in the scene, and I´m sure there are may others. But they are not outing themselfes, being afraid of reactions. Understandable, but sad.

But as I can´t help you (as myself being female and hetero...mostly :D) I would like to thank you for your posting. :)

Have Fun at Wacken and I hope you´ll find someone!

BTW: watch "headbangers Guide..."... Dee Snider says sth great about young men standing in front of other men waering tight leather pants :D :D


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Metal is a macho kinda scene, and I think a lot of metalheads are acting like kids when it comes to homosexuality.
But in fact I can not think of a single other subculture with that many guys wearing leather pants :D


lol @ Steve Hughes, Australian metalhead and stand up comedian, with a great sketch about "poofters"

from about 4 minutes
(it is not homophobic btw)

My man is wearing leather pants himself XD

Really good post. Unfortunatly I don't know any myself. But I want to tell you that I am pretty sure, if you stay with (real) metalheads, meaning no 16-year old poser kiddies, you'll find people that don't judge you for what you are or who you like but that want to party and have a good time with a like minded fan of the music :)

Lord Soth

Hey Willow!

Thumbs up for having really great balls to post that here!;)

As said before, yeah, many metalheads act kinda homo-phobic when it comes to homesexuality, but... those who do aren't the type of "friends" you would like to have anyways, I guess. Be cool, not afraid to talk about it, stay normal (anyways, I don't think your taste is unnormal), and noone will have any problems with your preferences. At least I hope so.:)

And most of all: have fun, enjoy the festival, and maybe you'll find someone, who knows?;)


np: Judas Priest - Leather Rebel:cool::cool::cool:

Edit says: personally I only know of 1 guy of my friends who admittedly was gay, but there ARE others, so... the truth is out there, as they say. Many just fear of being discriminated against for being gay by other metalheads....
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
19 Juli 2009
Metal is a macho kinda scene, and I think a lot of metalheads are acting like kids when it comes to homosexuality.

True enough. But I feel this is mostly a group kind of thing. Individually most metalheads don't have a problem with it, I think.

Still people either don't come out and admit it (me included) or most gays just never get attracted to metal because it's too macho to begin with.

But in fact I can not think of a single other subculture with that many guys wearing leather pants :D

Hehe, I don't actually own leather pants. OMG!? Maybe that's why other guys never approach me. :eek:


lol @ Steve Hughes, Australian metalhead and stand up comedian, with a great sketch about "poofters"

from about 4 minutes
(it is not homophobic btw)

lol! That was awesome! Thank you for sharing. :D
19 Juli 2009
@ Willow: great posting. I know at least two gays in the scene, and I´m sure there are may others. But they are not outing themselfes, being afraid of reactions. Understandable, but sad.

But as I can´t help you (as myself being female and hetero...mostly :D) I would like to thank you for your posting. :)

Have Fun at Wacken and I hope you´ll find someone!

BTW: watch "headbangers Guide..."... Dee Snider says sth great about young men standing in front of other men waering tight leather pants :D :D

Thank you! :)

And it's weird isn't it...when I think about it there's really not much too be afraid of but somehow it feels like it's just 'not done' to be a gay metalhead. And because of that I don't talk about it and apparently others think the same way. Makes it pretty hard to meet others.
19 Juli 2009
My man is wearing leather pants himself XD

Really good post. Unfortunatly I don't know any myself. But I want to tell you that I am pretty sure, if you stay with (real) metalheads, meaning no 16-year old poser kiddies, you'll find people that don't judge you for what you are or who you like but that want to party and have a good time with a like minded fan of the music :)

Thanx. And don't worry I will definitely be partying at my 8th Wacken just like always no matter what. :) Some of the people I'm going with know and have no problems with it at all. They're great. I would just be nice to get to know some people that not only have no problems with it but actually understand it as well.
19 Juli 2009
Hey Willow!

Thumbs up for having really great balls

:D :D Why thank you! :p

to post that here!;)

..oh right, hehe.

Well, this is teh internet and fortunately very anonymous. So posting here is not too scary a thing to do.

(I guess since you are a mod you can actually find out my IP and stuff and out me if you wanted, but that would be kinda gay, right? ;) )

As said before, yeah, many metalheads act kinda homo-phobic when it comes to homesexuality, but... those who do aren't the type of "friends" you would like to have anyways, I guess. Be cool, not afraid to talk about it, stay normal (anyways, I don't think your taste is unnormal), and noone will have any problems with your preferences. At least I hope so.:)

And most of all: have fun, enjoy the festival, and maybe you'll find someone, who knows?;)


np: Judas Priest - Leather Rebel:cool::cool::cool:

Cheers to you as well and thanks for the kind words!

Edit says: personally I only know of 1 guy of my friends who admittedly was gay, but there ARE others, so... the truth is out there, as they say. Many just fear of being discriminated against for being gay by other metalheads....

Yeah, there are others but sometimes I do wonder though. Statistics say almost 10% of the population is gay or at least has (had) gay feelings. But is that the same for the metal community? Like, out of every 10 Cannibal Corpse fans, one is gay? Would be nice, but I doubt it.


W:O:A Metalhead
1 Jan. 2009
Wow, another applause from my side for your astonishing posting here ;).
Many friends of mine are gay, but none of them are truly listening to metal, so sorry for not being able to help you out in your situation. I hope you'll find someone to chat with, who is fulfilling your needs :D:D.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yup...time to burst the bubble guys: for the past 7 years I have been among you at Wacken, drinking your beer, rolling in your mud, moshing in your pits, banging my head next to yours and putting my horns up in the air with all the rest of you....and I'm gay. :eek:

Who knows, I might have even seen you in the showers! :D

Now I know, it's disgusting, sick, totally untrue and I will never become kvlt and grim because of this. :( Learning to live with that though.. :)

However, aside from being this obvious disgrace to the community as a whole I am also just a regular longhaired, bearded, blackclothed, armyboots wearing, beerdrinking, meatdevouring, for-Satan-screaming metalhead. You would not guess I was gay if I was standing next to you, trust me. ;)

I have been listening to metal for over 15 years, love to go to gigs and festivals, own hundreds of records and dozens of shirts and other merch. I have a circle of great friends that share my love for metal and in general I am really happy with everything. Same story as you reading this post, I assume.

But...I have truly never ever met another metalhead that's gay as well and I would love for that to change. I am not looking for dates or sex (necessarily ;) ) just for likeminded people. Sure, I know some non-metal gay people but it's just not the same. They don't share my love for black, death or doom metal and don't understand why I refuse to wear pink or go to gay bars because the music sucks. Besides, I'm not exactly out of the closet yet (aside from a few relatives and my closest friends).

It makes me feel lonely sometimes. :(

Soooo...on the off chance that someone who is reading this is in the 'same boat' as me and would like to chat, feel free to reply or send me a private message. :) I don't have particularly high hopes for this but you never know...biggest metal festival of the world, I can't be the only one, right? RIGHT?

Finally, I don't intend for this to be a 'gay-only' thread at all. If you're not gay but still have something to say, feel free! I also don't mind jokes about my sexuality, don't worry. My intentions are absolutely serious though.

The 2nd time someone does a thing like that. (sorry, waaaaay too tired to even think about writing yesterday, though I read it)

For me, the most important thing is to remain yourself. If this is part of it, perfect! I wouldn't know why it should change.

*thumbs up*


23 Juni 2008
Cumbria. uk
Just to say I saw a few guys walking around either last year or the year before wearing t shirts that said wacken homos, so you are not alone, most people just don't advertise it. so good luck i hope you find someone.
I would imagine that there will be a fair few, as I know quite a few guys where i live who are into metal and gay.
19 Juli 2009
Just to say I saw a few guys walking around either last year or the year before wearing t shirts that said wacken homos, so you are not alone, most people just don't advertise it. so good luck i hope you find someone.
I would imagine that there will be a fair few, as I know quite a few guys where i live who are into metal and gay.

Yeah, I've seen those guys as well. I was never really sure if it was a joke or for real though. As a joke I can laugh at it, however if for real then it's just not really my cup of tea. I don't feel the need to stand out because of what I am. ;)

Lord Soth

:D :D Why thank you! :p

..oh right, hehe.

Well, this is teh internet and fortunately very anonymous. So posting here is not too scary a thing to do.

(I guess since you are a mod you can actually find out my IP and stuff and out me if you wanted, but that would be kinda gay, right? ;) )

Cheers to you as well and thanks for the kind words!

Yeah, there are others but sometimes I do wonder though. Statistics say almost 10% of the population is gay or at least has (had) gay feelings. But is that the same for the metal community? Like, out of every 10 Cannibal Corpse fans, one is gay? Would be nice, but I doubt it.

You're welcome.;):)

(Ah well, yes, I am a Mod, but I don't spy on people even if I could, only in troublesome cases. It just wouldn't be fair. That's about it.) ;)

Hmm... fuck statistics I would say, just be yourself and talkative.. words can spread around faster than you can empty a bottle of beer! Maybe even this thread helps you find or meet someone or more who is into metal AND gay. Who knows?

You could - if it feels right for you to do that - also post a link to your myspace/facebook whatever page, where one could see you. And step out of anonymity. Or just do that by request of someone. Your choice.;)

(just a thought, y'know)

I'd rather think of 1 out of 100 Cannibal Corpse fans might in truth be a vegetarian! Hehehe.....:D:D:D