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W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
Huldran schrieb:
Lady Wolf - that CAN be hereditary (I got poor eyesight "in the family" too), but it doesn´t mean it WILL... :confused:

I wrote it down in a wrong way... I nuanced (?) it...
I, personally, am afraid that my kids could get my hypermobility (50% chance)
They probably will get glasses, I have glasses, my parents and both my brothers have glasses, Main Unit has glasses, but that isn't so much of a problem as my hypermobility is.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
You are both getting one? :p

Aren't you guys afraid that the baby could also have trouble with sight? Or isn't that hereditary?
I already asked my (former) ophtamologue, he says its not hereditary. It's a failure during either birth, or pregnancy of my mother. (don't know, and no way to ask now)

Besides, my eyes are perfectly healthy. Only the yellow spot is a bit deformed. (which is the center of your image making cells in your eye)


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
Hey, Quark, any news? I really hope everything goes ok :)
We went to the gyneacologue today. The baby appears to be very healty. Its heart is beating (and it was possible to see it beating, even for me!) adn it measures about 2 centimeters (4/5 inches)

We have to go back somewhere in October now, to have a 3 month's check. After that, the chances of anything going wrong are about 0. (there's always a risk) Now the chance is about 4%.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Quark schrieb:
We went to the gyneacologue today. The baby appears to be very healty. Its heart is beating (and it was possible to see it beating, even for me!) adn it measures about 2 centimeters (4/5 inches)

We have to go back somewhere in October now, to have a 3 month's check. After that, the chances of anything going wrong are about 0. (there's always a risk) Now the chance is about 4%.

It all sounds good :)
Too bad Naïk can't drink beer though ;)

What about the stout, is it still waiting to be tested??


W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
Quark schrieb:
We went to the gyneacologue today. The baby appears to be very healty. Its heart is beating (and it was possible to see it beating, even for me!) adn it measures about 2 centimeters (4/5 inches)

We have to go back somewhere in October now, to have a 3 month's check. After that, the chances of anything going wrong are about 0. (there's always a risk) Now the chance is about 4%.

Oh, I'm very happy for you 2. I really hope everything goes fine this time :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
4 Juli 2006
A crazy men's Utopia
Quark schrieb:
We went to the gyneacologue today. The baby appears to be very healty. Its heart is beating (and it was possible to see it beating, even for me!) adn it measures about 2 centimeters (4/5 inches)

We have to go back somewhere in October now, to have a 3 month's check. After that, the chances of anything going wrong are about 0. (there's always a risk) Now the chance is about 4%.

That is really good news!
Of course it is too early to see it now, but do you want to know whether it is a boy or a girl? Do you have names in mind?
And will it get normal baby clothes or will it have stuff like "my first metal shirt" and "my daddy rocks"

I am not curious
I just want to know everything :p


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Quark schrieb:
We went to the gyneacologue today. The baby appears to be very healty. Its heart is beating (and it was possible to see it beating, even for me!) adn it measures about 2 centimeters (4/5 inches)

We have to go back somewhere in October now, to have a 3 month's check. After that, the chances of anything going wrong are about 0. (there's always a risk) Now the chance is about 4%.

that great :)
if you're finally a daddy I'll vissit you in belgium ;)

well if you want me to ofcourse :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Lady_Wolf schrieb:
That is really good news!
Of course it is too early to see it now, but do you want to know whether it is a boy or a girl? Do you have names in mind?
And will it get normal baby clothes or will it have stuff like "my first metal shirt" and "my daddy rocks"

I am not curious
I just want to know everything :p
Like you said, we don't know. And we won't find out until April 30 (ja, koninginnedag), May 1 (labour day)

And about clothes, a bit of both (if I have the chance ;) )