beim poken verletzt

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W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2003
bei terrorgruppe mal drei zähne verloren und knöchel verstaucht, sonst die üblichen blauen flecken


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Aug. 2003
Website besuchen
also beim pokern verletzt werden ist einfach.... wenn einem das fünfte ass aus dem ärmel fällt und man nicht schnell genug rennen kann....

to poke heist doch auch pökeln oder?


W:O:A Metalgod
23 Aug. 2004

aus Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:

poke (v)
1 with a finger/stick etc to quickly push into something or someone with your finger, a stick, or something pointed: Andy poked the fish to see if it was still alive. | Be careful with that umbrella, or you'll poke someone in the eye.
2a through a space/hole to move or to push something through a space or opening: He poked his hands deep into his pockets.
2b be seen if something is poking through or out of something else, you can see part of it but not all of it
3 poke a hole to make a hole or hollow area in something by pushing something pointed into or through it
4 poke fun at make fun of someone in an unkind way
5 poke into your nose informal to make an interest or get involved in someone else's private affairs
6 poke the fire: to move coal or wood in a fire with a stick to make it burn better
7 sex slang taboo to have sex with a woman

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
22 Apr. 2006
Thorin_Eichenschild schrieb:
Und ich frag mich die ganze Zeit, wie man sich beim pokern verletzten kann....lesen ist schon manchmal nicht so einfach.

LOL so gings mir auch erst.... ;)
Aber beim pogen hat mir ein zu-Boden-Fallender mal fast die Brust abgerissen, weil er "Halt" gesucht hat... :D :D :D :D Also meine Herren, nachdem wir alle herzlich gelacht haben: Wenn jetzt blöde Witze darüber kommen oder das nochmal jemand versucht, dann zeige ich euch, dass es beim pogen auch sehr viel schlimmere Verletzungen geben kann!!! :mad:


W:O:A Metalmaster
14 Aug. 2002
Tomatentöter schrieb:

aus Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:

poke (v)
1 with a finger/stick etc to quickly push into something or someone with your finger, a stick, or something pointed: Andy poked the fish to see if it was still alive. | Be careful with that umbrella, or you'll poke someone in the eye.
2a through a space/hole to move or to push something through a space or opening: He poked his hands deep into his pockets.
2b be seen if something is poking through or out of something else, you can see part of it but not all of it
3 poke a hole to make a hole or hollow area in something by pushing something pointed into or through it
4 poke fun at make fun of someone in an unkind way
5 poke into your nose informal to make an interest or get involved in someone else's private affairs
6 poke the fire: to move coal or wood in a fire with a stick to make it burn better
7 sex slang taboo to have sex with a woman


Und in Deutsch? :D