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W:O:A Metalhead
Aww man.. Can't wait to go back reading the 2016 experience. Next time I go, I will be there the earliest as possible to relax and drink (or at least, in Hamburg).

Yes I should be able to get a tent in Hamburg, the only thing I would need to figure out is to have some way to communicate with you guys since my phone isn't working in Europe :/
Check at the airport or in town if you can buy a sim card. Way cheaper than enabling your sim in Europe.. trust me :) (it was 10$ a day with Rogers)


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2016
Gander, Canada
Yey, problem (maybe?) solved :D

Maybe yes :p

Aww man.. Can't wait to go back reading the 2016 experience. Next time I go, I will be there the earliest as possible to relax and drink (or at least, in Hamburg).

Check at the airport or in town if you can buy a sim card. Way cheaper than enabling your sim in Europe.. trust me :) (it was 10$ a day with Rogers)

Not sure how it would work, I get a sim card so a phone number I guess? And how do they charge me ?


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I would guess that too but if it's the case I didn't know we could have internet on a prepaid phone. I don't think I ever had a prepaid before :p

But why do you need internet? :eek: And I'd guess you can't have internet on prepaid. Maybe.
Oh you can! But it's rather expensive if you leave it open 24/7. If you cut your internet connections then it's fairly doable. I do it all the time when I'm abroard! I'm the master of phone numbers! :D
Alright problem solved, I'll gather more info about a new sim card and all :)
You could also find them on ebay if you look carefully. But make sure they're valid! It takes ONE year (some even 15 months!) before a German phone number is lost and thus no longer valid!


W:O:A Metalhead
9 Jan. 2016
Gander, Canada
Oh you can! But it's rather expensive if you leave it open 24/7. If you cut your internet connections then it's fairly doable. I do it all the time when I'm abroard! I'm the master of phone numbers! :D

You could also find them on ebay if you look carefully. But make sure they're valid! It takes ONE year (some even 15 months!) before a German phone number is lost and thus no longer valid!

Thanks I'll take a look on ebay if it looks legit, if not I should be able to find that when I'll get in Hamburg